Podcasts from JFYNetWorks JFYNetWorks addresses today’s college readiness pursuit by providing focused blended learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training earning academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools. Listen to our podcasts to learn more.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Kevin McCaskill, NEW Brockton HS Principal, Podcast Highlights
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
SEPTEMBER 2024 PODCAST -- This podcast features highlights from our April edition, featuring Brockton High School principal Kevin McCaskill, who began his tenure in Brockton at the start of 2024. Described at the time as, “…a new chapter for our entire community” by Mayor Robert Sullivan, McCaskill discussed how Brockton High School was once a beacon of educational excellence in Massachusetts and will be again.
- [Timestamp 00:01:42] The lore of Brockton High School.
- [Timestamp 00:04:20} Gaining Trust.
- [Timestamp 00:05:23] Be visible.
- [Timestamp 00:06:45] Finding the successes already in place.
- [Timestamp 00:09:50] It’s about the passion.
- [Timestamp 00:10:22] Faith in the team.
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org
- Proven Results
- Connected Learning Solutions
- JFY Guides Student Achievement. Learn More Through Stories of Success.
[Song Credit: “Epic Inspirational and Cinematic Motivational Background Music” - by AShamaluevMusic is under a creative commons license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com]

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Busing in the Boston Public Schools, Personal Insights on the 50th Anniversary
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
JULY 2024 PODCAST -- This September will mark the 50th anniversary of Judge Arthur Garrity’s decision to implement busing in the Boston Public Schools as a strategy to desegregate the school system. This past year, JFYNetWorks has featured three individuals who have had direct knowledge and experience in the long struggle for equity in education then and now. This podcast highlights our conversations with JFY’s Deputy Director and Director of Development Paula Paris, community activist Lew Finfer, and civic legend Hubie Jones.
- [Timestamp 12:01 – 12:30] Paula Paris: "It was a live experience and something you just remember that human beings are capable of this behavior. People did not want the schools to be integrated and the purpose of the integration to me, and I think going back and reading the case was inequality and I think it was equality of resources."
- [Timestamp 13:59 – 14:27] Lew Finfer: "Garrity set hiring goals for hiring teachers of color and principals of color and the exam schools, he ordered them to be 1/3 of students of color. So, there were a number of positive things that he ordered, and you know help change the system and some of that would have happened but not as dramatically without those court orders that were made you know between 1974 and 1980."
- [Timestamp 26:52 – 27:15] Hubie Jones: "You have to have things like the arts, music, plays, dance, which are joyous things that are part of the learning process because if there's no joy in the school, then there's no joy in learning. Who's going to invest in [that type of school] in any major way?"
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org
- Proven Results
- Connected Learning Solutions
- JFY Guides Student Achievement. Learn More Through Stories of Success.
[Song Credit: “Epic Inspirational and Cinematic Motivational Background Music” - by AShamaluevMusic is under a creative commons license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com]

Thursday May 23, 2024
Audrey Schindler from EBHS, joins JFY at MassCUE Spring Conference 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Dramatic Academic Progress at East Boston High School
MAY 2024 PODCAST -- This month’s podcast features a preview of a collaborative presentation to take place at the MassCue Convention on May 31st and June 1st at Polar Park in Worcester. Audrey Schindler, East Boston High School’s Director of ELA and Humanities and Dean of Students, will partner with JFYNetWorks for a presentation on East Boston High’s dramatic academic progress over the past decade. In this podcast she will provide a tantalizing sample of the upcoming presentation.
- So when I was a teacher, I didn't see other teachers' data. At the time I was only seeing my own data. I could go in and I could look at individual students, obviously, and see how they were doing and make a plan with them on an individual, like on a one-to-one basis. And then as an administrator, I can see the individual students, but I can also see the teachers and I can say to the teachers, Hey, what's going on with these particular students? [Timestamp 00:05:25]
- One of the other things that we did was we, as an admin team, developed slide decks that all teachers across the school had to use. We developed this whole school slide deck system. We had a common grading policy. And the reason behind it was that students would be able to focus on the content that they were learning and not on figuring out how to manipulate and get through unfamiliar technology. [Timestamp 00:14:30]
- Our teachers can become buried with grading, especially English teachers, with the amount of writing that students are expected to produce. And it's not simply about grading, but it's about also providing feedback. That feedback needs to be relevant, it needs to be specific, and it really needs to be timely. It really doesn't do much good if a student receives a piece of writing that they've done from three weeks ago and they get some feedback on it, they're not invested in it anymore. They're not involved in it. And so the purpose behind getting AI programming involved, and this is where you guys have really stepped up and come in and said, you know, I think we can help you with this. [Timestamp 00:19:24]
- Our teachers can become buried with grading, especially English teachers, with the amount of writing that students are expected to produce. And it's not simply about grading, but it's about also providing feedback. That feedback needs to be relevant, it needs to be specific, and it really needs to be timely. It really doesn't do much good if a student receives a piece of writing that they've done from three weeks ago and they get some feedback on it, they're not invested in it anymore. They're not involved in it. And so the purpose behind getting AI programming involved, and this is where you guys have really stepped up and come in and said, you know, I think we can help you with this. [Timestamp 00:20:39]
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org
- Proven Results
- Connected Learning Solutions
- JFY Guides Student Achievement. Learn More Through Stories of Success.
[Song Credit: “Epic Inspirational and Cinematic Motivational Background Music” - by AShamaluevMusic is under a creative commons license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com]

Thursday Apr 11, 2024
‘A New Chapter’ Brockton High School Principal Has Faith, Podcast
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
‘A New Chapter’ Brockton High School Principal Has Faith
Kevin McCaskill, ‘I know that we can achieve at high levels’
APRIL 2024 PODCAST -- This podcast features newly appointed Brockton High School principal Kevin McCaskill, who began his tenure in Brockton at the start of 2024. Described as “…a new chapter for our entire community” by Mayor Robert Sullivan, McCaskill discusses how Brockton High School was once a beacon of educational excellence in Massachusetts and will beam even brighter in the years ahead.
- Case in point, in the morning I see the vast majority of our students getting off the buses every day. 39 buses. And we’re being very consistent with morning greetings And so they get that recognition that someone's [Timestamp 00:09:00]
- I know that we can achieve at high levels. But it's going to take some time and again, it won't be something that happens overnight or by magic. But if we have some folks who are really interested in moving the needle forward-- which I know we have here at the high school, I know it will be done. [Timestamp 00:13:06]
- You have to have faith in everything you can do, faith in the individuals that you’re working with and faith in the belief that all things are possible. [Timestamp 00:16:34]
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org
- Proven Results
- Connected Learning Solutions
- JFY Guides Student Achievement. Learn More Through Stories of Success.
[Song Credit: “Epic Inspirational and Cinematic Motivational Background Music” - by AShamaluevMusic is under a creative commons license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.com]

Thursday Feb 29, 2024
JFY Deputy Director, ‘Education Equity, Still a Struggle’
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
JFY Deputy Director, ‘Education Equity, Still a Struggle’
FEBRUARY 2024 PODCAST -- This month’s podcast features JFY’s Deputy Director Paula Paris, who has been with JFY since 1995. She has contributed to the growth and diversification of the organization first as Director of Development and then as Deputy Director. Paula shares her personal history beginning as a bus safety monitor during the desegregation of the Boston Public Schools, and her informed insights on the continuing struggle to achieve equity in American education.
- [Boston] Busing got so much national publicity. "...so, the buses took us to Day Boulevard. Yeah. And then they consolidated the buses and went the rest of the way with a police escort." [Timestamp 00:20:02]
- Thinking about the learning loss question. "But it is about learning loss and how not being in school affected different populations differently. [Timestamp 00:36:08]
- We’ve solved problems, but … "We've got a long way to go. And progress has been made for sure. But more progress needs to be made. Let's not lose sight of what we still need to do." [Timestamp 00:43:39]
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org
- Proven Results
- Connected Learning Solutions
- JFY Guides Student Achievement. Learn More Through Stories of Success.
Music Credit: Song: “Epic Inspirational and Cinematic Motivational Background Music” - by AShamaluevMusic is under a Creative Commons license Music promoted by Breaking. Copyright: https://breakingcopyright.com

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Lew Finfer, Boston Community Organizer since the 1970’s
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Lew Finfer, Quiet Leader, Thundering Results
NOVEMBER 2023 PODCAST -- JFY’s podcast this month features Lew Finfer, a Boston community organizer since 1970. In an article published last year in the Boston Globe, Lew was described as “a quiet leader who spent the past four decades orchestrating some of Boston’s biggest campaigns for social and economic justice.”
'You have to do a lot of listening and outreach for any kind of issue you work on.' [Timestamp 00:13:57]
'Share something about yourself, about what you are.' [Timestamp 00:22:08]
'Starting back in 1973 and 74 when the whole shakeup of the Boston Public Schools started.' [Timestamp 00:30:04]
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training to earn academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Hubie Jones Remembers the Field of Battle in Boston’s Busing and more
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Boston’s Historical Civic and Social Landscape: A Personal Account
SEPTEMBER 2023 PODCAST -- This month, JFYNetWorks will take the opportunity to expand on some of the history that Hubie Jones shared with our listeners when he was a guest for three JFYNet podcasts last year. [Podcast 1, Podcast 2, Podcast 3] Recently, PBS, in conjunction with local affiliate GBH, debuted the documentary “The Busing Battleground: THE DECADES-LONG ROAD TO SCHOOL DESEGREGATION” as part of the American Experience television series. The program featured reflections by many prominent Boston-area activists, including Hubie Jones, who has not only witnessed Boston history for 67 years, but has also shaped and defined the civic and social landscape.
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training earning academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
David P. Driscoll Responds Pt. 2: MCAS Chatter, ‘déjà vu’ all over again’
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
David P. Driscoll, former Education Commissioner, responds to: MCAS Chatter, ‘déjà vu’ all over again’
AUGUST 2023 PODCAST -- Our podcast this month features part two of our conversation with former Commissioner of Education David Driscoll. His 49-year career in public education leadership includes being appointed deputy commissioner in 1993, interim commissioner in 1998, and commissioner in 1999. Dr. Driscoll currently serves on a number of boards, including serving as chair of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute Board and the National Assessment Governing Board.
- What do we do about the fact that we're back again, asking the question of whether there should be, quantitative standards to get a high school diploma in Massachusetts? Do you feel like, it’s DeJa’Vu all over again? [00:03:17]
- The Driscoll challenge: What would an educator do after looking at [student's] failing work? Would they grant that student a high school diploma? [00:09:12]
- Every question is reviewed by teachers. No question goes on the test unless it's been approved by teachers. [00:31:07] Well, we don't have any leadership, or political leadership at the federal government. We don't have enough of it to start to look at solutions. [00:44:06]
'Look what you're [JFY] doing in East Boston High School. Why wouldn't every high school in Boston say, well, let's do that? And yet they don't.' - David P. Driscoll
[Song: 'Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero' is under a creative commons license Music promoted by Breaking Copyright: https://breakingcopyright.com].
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training earning academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
David P. Driscoll, responds to: ‘Is it time to reconsider the Education Reform Act?’
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
David P. Driscoll, former Education Commissioner, responds to: ‘Is it time to reconsider the Education Reform Act?’
JULY 2023 PODCAST -- This month’s podcast features David P. Driscoll, who served as the 22nd commissioner of education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1998 to 2007. In his 49-year career in public education, Dr. Driscoll was a math teacher, an assistant superintendent, a superintendent, deputy commissioner, interim commissioner, and the state commissioner who inaugurated standards-based education in Massachusetts under the Education Reform law. Currently, he serves on a number of boards, including as chair of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute Board and the National Assessment Governing Board.
- Has the Education Reform Act of 1993 fulfilled its promise? [00:03:50]
- The MCAS is a standards-based test, [but] teachers are still not consistently applying, sound pedagogical ways of getting the kids to the standards, part of which is to get kids engaged, get kids motivated, et cetera. [00:17:46]
- Kids go through as part of a [grade] group, say the 8th grade, but we need to address their individual needs in addition to regular schooling and the school experience, we need an individual approach, almost like the medical profession. [00:29:26]
[Song: 'Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero' is under a creative commons license Music promoted by Breaking Copyright: https://breakingcopyright.com].
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training earning academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
'SCI-FI to AI' Fiction to Fact. A discussion with Mike Mino, Education Development in Technology Professional.
JUNE 2023 PODCAST -- This month’s podcast features Michael Mino, founder of MM Development Services, a provider of innovative education development services to schools and classrooms. With his over 25 years of experience working at all levels of education, he has a strong track record of innovation, transforming traditional 20th century classes into state of the art 21st Century Skills programs.
- It's important to engage students in things at school that are most like work and most like play. Here's an example. [00:26:00]
- 'Students can Collaborate with AI!' Mike identifies the distinction between using AI and collaborating with AI.[00:36:00]
- People identify a concept, process, or objective. AI can enhance, help to determine the mapping towards achievement and, fix errors in that concept. Here's How. [00:39:00]
[Song: 'Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero' is under a creative commons license Music promoted by Breaking Copyright: https://breakingcopyright.com].
Today, JFYNetWorks addresses the college readiness disconnect by providing focused blended, hybrid, and remote learning programs in high school to help students build the academic skills they need to enter college or technical training earning academic credit. The JFYNetWorks blended program model — infusing specialized online content into the regular curriculum — also facilitates scalability, as the low cost of the online platform can easily be expanded to entire schools.
To learn more visit JFYNet.org